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Family visit - July 4th weekend, 2004 - Page 2

Taken when Mom and Dad were visiting - after everyone else had left. These were all taken in the Garden of the Gods.  All photos can be clicked on to view them larger. Page 1

The Siamese Twins rock formation. Siamese Twins from a different angle.
Cool rocks. There will be a lot of shots that are just
rocks I thought were cool.
Cool rocks. Dad with the Siamese Twins in the background.
Pike's Peak from the top of one of the hills. You'll probably have to click on this one to make out
the horses in the center of the picture.
Cool rocks. Cool rocks.
We thought this rock kind of looked like a
Here is a close up.
The larger rocks in the distance. I think it would be pretty cool to have your house this
close to the Garden of the Gods - some have huge rock
formations in their back yards.
Pike's Peak with the moon above it. Cool rocks.
Cool rocks. Cool rocks.
Now we are on the tourist trail. It even has a sidewalk.
Dad is ahead of us, as usual.
One of the large formations when we were
right next to it.
Cool rocks. The kissing camels from a distance.
Here I zoomed in on the kissing camels. Cool rocks in the distance. John, Mom & Dad are
Cool rocks. Cool rocks. I told you a lot of them would be of cool
Cool rocks. The Three Graces.
Cool rocks. This rock is split down the middle.
If there weren't a large rock behind this, you'd be
able to see the split.
This rock is white because it hasn't been painted yet.
Actually, it has a name, but I can't remember.
More of the white rock. Dad and John are ahead. Balancing rock.
More of Balancing Rock. A different angle on Balancing rock.

Page 1

With most of the people out from underneath, I
took another picture of Balancing Rock.

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Copyright © 2004 Vicki Erjavec. All rights reserved.
Last revised: Fri July 9 14:11 2004